What will be the eligibility requirement for the seniors living accommodation?
Anyone who is over 55 and retired will be eligible for the seniors living accommodation. Priority will be given to pensioners who are renting and are financially disadvantaged.
What is the eligibility requirement for the disability housing?
To be eligible for the disability housing you must be aged 18 or over and approved for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme. If you meet the criteria for SDA funding under the NDIS, you will then be able to apply for the disability accommodation when the units are constructed and approved for occupancy.
Can I put my name on a waiting list for accommodation?
Yes. You can apply for the seniors living units or NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation. Click on one of the links below or at the top of the page to access information booklets and application forms.
How much is the rent?
Seniors Living Units Rental Rates
The rent you pay will depend on your circumstances. The table below details how your rent will be calculated and current rental rates as at 20 March 2024.
NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Maximum Reasonable Rent Contribution (MRCC)
The rent you pay will be your Maximum Reasonable Rent Contribution (MRRC). The table below details the (MRRC) that may be applied depending on your situation and the current MRCC as at 20 March 2024.
When will the accommodation be available?
Stage one is complete and tenanted. Stage two construction commenced June 2024 and is estimated to be completed by September 2025, assuming there are no project delays due to weather conditions or other unforeseen events.